Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Welcome to the Blog

Greetings to all and welcome to my new blog 'Drumming At The Table'.  A unique title, no?  It stems from memory of a time when, as a youth, my parents would tell me to STOP drumming at the table during meals.  It did not matter if we were at home, a family holiday gathering, out to eat at a local restaurant, it was a habit.  Just like Gloria Estefan says...the rhythm is going to get you!  So you see the tie-in here.  Food and music.  Two of my favorite things.  Couple with that travel and life lessons and you pretty much have this figured out.  But why a blog and why now?  Let's briefly investigate.

One resolution I made for the year 2015 is to refresh my mind and take a respite from the mind-numbing social media device that is Facebook.  Oh the humanity!  During this self-imposed hiatus I dedicated myself to get back into the lost are of reading...books.  A month and a half in and two books down (we can discuss later) I began to get the itch to write.  Not that I ever have written much of anything besides process documents, press releases, flowcharts, and other work-related nonsense.  But I had worked on newsletters for work and community organizations with which I was once affiliated.  It was refreshing and challenging to find content worth sharing with others.  Most importantly to yours truly the efforts were also well received. 

I have been interested in taking photos while traveling and, on those travels, of unique sites and food opportunities.  A new restaurant, a new meal, a new adult beverage, etc.  While dining recently with my fiancee at a local establishment on our first visit (stay tuned!) it was then and there that I took out my phone and, in addition to snapping photos of some amazing food, starting typing notes and giving my impression of the dishes.  I thought to myself - dammit, I'm going to start that blog!  And so here we are. 

What you can expect is a melting pot - an incorporation of my love of music, food, travel, and life.  Most, if not all, involving my wonderfully fantastic fiancee and my amazing kids.  Grab a plate, pull up a chair, open the Pandora app to your favorite station, and enjoy. 

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