Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hotel Tonight App

Planning a quick getaway but don't know where you're going to stay?  Here's an app to check out - Hotel Tonight.  Available for iOS, Android, and Windows phone platforms.  You can book last-minute rooms for up to five nights at great competitive rates! Many hotels and a vast array of cities to choose from makes the decision super easy.  Check it out in your app store or online at

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

National Drink Wine Day

Happy National Drink Wine Day!  Yes, you read that correct my friends.  February 18th is recognized as a day to celebrate the wonderful role it has played throughout history and in our daily lives.  Wine promotes many health benefits - including the reduced risk of heart disease.  It enhances food, encourages the development of new friendships, and rekindles (or encourages!) romance.

What day is better than today to visit your favorite local winery and show your appreciation to the vintner?  Grab a glass or, better yet, a bottle of your fave whether it be a sweet white, dessert wine, honey mead, or a dry red.  Cheers!

Take a moment to visit the National Drink Wine Day website found at  You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter @drinkwineday.    

According to the Wine Institute Americans, in 2013, consumed 892 million gallons of wine.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness

This past week February 9-15 was Random Acts of Kindness Week and today, February 17th, is Random Acts of Kindness Day.  What are you doing to pay it forward?  Going above and beyond to help a friend, family member, or co-worker?  Somethings as little as letting the car ahead of you merge into your lane of traffic, refilling the coffee pot at work, or loaning the person ahead of you in the grocery store line a few dollars because they're a little short makes a huge impression.  In some cases the smaller the gesture the greater the gratitude.

As you go through your day think of little ways to help each other.  And do the same thing tomorrow, and the next day, and next week, and next month.  Make it a trend not an exception.  If you have a few moments between helping others (!) check out the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation for more ideas and information.  Visit their website or follow them on Facebook or Twitter @rakfoundation. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Peppermint Pattie Day

Happy National Peppermint Pattie Day!  No not that Peppermint Patty.  Sorry, Sir.  Today we honor the dark chocolate cool mint filling deliciousness that is the York Peppermint Pattie. 

First introduced in 1940 they became so popular that the York Cone Company stopped producing all its other products to solely focus on the Pattie.  So find yourself a snack size, king size pack or, better yet, 1/2 pound monstrosity and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Check This App Out

From my 'App A Day' daily calendar is this nugget - Winebot

Available for iOS this cute little guy is a great tool for telling you whether to open that bottle today or save it for a couple years or, better yet, to help decide which wine would go best with that romantic dinner you are planning for Valentine's Day.

Welcome to the Blog

Greetings to all and welcome to my new blog 'Drumming At The Table'.  A unique title, no?  It stems from memory of a time when, as a youth, my parents would tell me to STOP drumming at the table during meals.  It did not matter if we were at home, a family holiday gathering, out to eat at a local restaurant, it was a habit.  Just like Gloria Estefan says...the rhythm is going to get you!  So you see the tie-in here.  Food and music.  Two of my favorite things.  Couple with that travel and life lessons and you pretty much have this figured out.  But why a blog and why now?  Let's briefly investigate.

One resolution I made for the year 2015 is to refresh my mind and take a respite from the mind-numbing social media device that is Facebook.  Oh the humanity!  During this self-imposed hiatus I dedicated myself to get back into the lost are of reading...books.  A month and a half in and two books down (we can discuss later) I began to get the itch to write.  Not that I ever have written much of anything besides process documents, press releases, flowcharts, and other work-related nonsense.  But I had worked on newsletters for work and community organizations with which I was once affiliated.  It was refreshing and challenging to find content worth sharing with others.  Most importantly to yours truly the efforts were also well received. 

I have been interested in taking photos while traveling and, on those travels, of unique sites and food opportunities.  A new restaurant, a new meal, a new adult beverage, etc.  While dining recently with my fiancee at a local establishment on our first visit (stay tuned!) it was then and there that I took out my phone and, in addition to snapping photos of some amazing food, starting typing notes and giving my impression of the dishes.  I thought to myself - dammit, I'm going to start that blog!  And so here we are. 

What you can expect is a melting pot - an incorporation of my love of music, food, travel, and life.  Most, if not all, involving my wonderfully fantastic fiancee and my amazing kids.  Grab a plate, pull up a chair, open the Pandora app to your favorite station, and enjoy.